The aim of this document is to concisely present the history of the research group, thus allowing visualization of the progress made and the evolution of reseach lines.
D. H. Milone, H. L. Rufiner, J. Galli, E. Laca, C. Cangiano.
Publication in the scientific journal "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
First experiment work carried out in Zavalla using 3 external microphones on 3 dairy cows. The dataset was published later in 2020. Data: acoustic. Labels: masticatory events.
D. H. Milone, J. Galli, C. Cangiano, H. L. Rufiner, E. Laca.
Publication in the scientific journal "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
D.H. Milone, H.L. Rufiner, J.R. Galli, L.L. Giovanini
International patent: WO/2015/177741.
Experimental field work carried out in Michigan using 5 external microphones on 6 dairy cows. This was part of Julio Galli doctoral thesis. Data: acoustic. Labels: masticatory events and feeding activities.
Field work carried out in Zavalla using 5 external microphones on 6 dairy cows. Data: acoustic. Labels: feeding activities.
D.H. Milone, H.L. Rufiner, J.R. Galli, L.L. Giovanini
International patent: WO/2015/177741.
L.L. Giovanini, H.L. Rufiner, D.H. Milone, J.R. Galli, J.O. Chelotti, S.R. Vanrell
Argentina national patent: P20150104082.
O. Chelotti, S. R. Vanrell, D. H. Milone, S.A Utsumi, J. Galli, H. L. Rufiner, L. Giovanini
Publication in the scientific journal "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
Pre-experimental field work carried out in Zavalla using external microphones on dairy cows. This trial was made prior to the experiment that Marina Lorenzón would carry out as the basis for her doctoral thesis. Data: acoustic. Labels: mainly consumption, short periods including masticatory events.
L.L. Giovanini, H.L. Rufiner, D.H. Milone, J.R. Galli, J.O. Chelotti, S.R. Vanrell
International patent: WO/2017/125805.
L.L. Giovanini, H.L. Rufiner, D.H. Milone, J.R. Galli, J.O. Chelotti, S.R. Vanrell
Argentina national patent: P20160103881.
N. N. Deniz, J. O. Chelotti, J. Galli, A. M. Planisich, M. Larripa, H. L. Rufiner, L. Giovanini
Publication in the scientific journal "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
Experimental field work carried out in Zavalla using external microphones on dairy cows. This dataset was used by Marina Lorenzón as the basis for her doctoral thesis. Data: acoustic. Labels: masticatory events and feeding activities.
J. O. Chelotti, S. R. Vanrell, J. Galli, L. Giovanini, H. L. Rufiner.
Publication in the scientific journal "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
S. R. Vanrell, J. O. Chelotti, J. Galli, S.A Utsumi, L. Giovanini, H. L. Rufiner, D. H. Milone
Publication in the scientific journal "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
Field work carried out in Zavalla using external microphones and cell-phones on 2 dairy cows. This experiment constitutes the first experience for the group using cell-phones. Data: acoustic and movement. Labels: not available.
Field work carried out in Zavalla using cell phones on 5 dairy cows, including a pre-experimental and a subsequent experimental. Data: movement. Labels: heat.
J. Galli, D. H. Milone, C. Cangiano, C. E. Martínez, E. Laca, J. O. Chelotti, H. L. Rufiner
Publication in the scientific journal "Bioacoustics".
L. Rau, J. O. Chelotti, S. R. Vanrell, L. Giovanini
Publication in the scientific journal "IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology".
S. R. Vanrell, J. O. Chelotti, L. A. Bugnon, H. L. Rufiner, D. H. Milone, E. Laca, J. Galli
Publication in the scientific journal "Data in Brief".
J. O. Chelotti, S. R. Vanrell, L. Rau, J. Galli, A. M. Planisich, S.A Utsumi, D. H. Milone, L. Giovanini, H. L. Rufiner
Publication in the scientific journal "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
Experimental field work carried out in Zavalla using external microphones and cell phones on 2 dairy cows. Data: acoustic and movement. Labels: not available.
L. Rau, J. O. Chelotti, S. R. Vanrell, J. Galli, S.A Utsumi, A. M. Planisich, H. L. Rufiner, L. Giovanini
Publication in the scientific journal "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
Experimental field work carried out in Zavalla using 3 cell-phones on 3 dairy cows. Data: acoustic and movement. Labels: events and activities.
M. Ferrero, L. D. Vignolo, S. R. Vanrell, L. Rau, J. O. Chelotti, J. Galli, L. Giovanini, H. L. Rufiner
Publication in the scientific journal "Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence".